iLoveCoding is the simplest path to learn JavaScript development
iLoveCoding is the only resource on the Internet that specializes in teaching you JavaScript in a way that makes you a Front-End and Full-Stack JavaScript Developer. We're committed to delivering the best learning experience. We teach students how to code so they can build practical and meaningful apps, land respectable jobs, and build their own tech companies.
How it works
On iLoveCoding, students don't just learn the concepts but they implement their learning by actually building things, real-world applications, web applications, mobile applications, games etc. Coding sites give you badges and points and you're left wondering "where do I start?" iLoveCoding is different from any other learning experience. At iLoveCoding, you will learn the nuts and bolts of JavaScript, jQuery, HTML & CSS. This together will make you a cohesive Front-End Developer. There are two sections in iLoveCoding, Courses and Lessons. In Courses section, you learn the fundamentals of programming and in the Lessons section, you will see how a Photo slider is made, how a web scraper is made, how back-end APIs are made, how a Calculator is made, etc. And that is going to give you the aha moments to really digest the practical and real-world aspects of being a Pro JavaScript Developer.
Company History
Founder of iLoveCoding
In writing
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The “L” and “C” in iLoveCoding is always capitalized.
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I Love Coding - wrong
i love coding - wrong
ilovecoding - wrong
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