Find Something / Query the DOM with jQuery - part 3

Other ways which are crucial to know how to find elements within your website so once they are selected, you can take some action. like change its color, add animation, change its look and feel etc.

PAIDLevel: Intermediate14:24 mins
Find Something / Query the DOM with jQuery - part 3
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Course content
Lessons #1: Getting Started with jQuery PAID
10:21 mins
Lessons #2: Find Something / Query the DOM with jQuery - part 1 PAID
12:52 mins
Lessons #3: Find Something / Query the DOM with jQuery - part 2 PAID
22:25 mins
Lessons #4: Find Something / Query the DOM with jQuery - part 3 PAID
14:24 mins
Lessons #5: Do Something with jQuery PAID
11:39 mins
Lessons #6: Events with jQuery PAID
19:47 mins
Lessons #7: Project: Create a Top Bar Widget with jQuery PAID
23:47 mins
Lessons #8: Project: Create Tabs functionality with jQuery PAID
10:46 mins
Lessons #9: Animate: Animating elements with jQuery PAID
9:41 mins
Lessons #10: Event Delegation with jQuery PAID
4:52 mins
Lessons #11: Event Propagation with jQuery PAID
6:20 mins
Lessons #12: Prevent Default Behavior (of elements) with jQuery PAID
3:06 mins
Lessons #13: Content Manipulation with jQuery PAID
9:32 mins
Lessons #14: Keyboard Event with jQuery PAID
7:13 mins
Lessons #15: Project: Create your own Image Carousel Slider with jQuery PAID
27:07 mins
Lessons #16: Ajax: Create a Single Page App with jQuery PAID
15:09 mins
Lessons #17: Ajax: Create a Location Finder App using jQuery & Google Maps API - Part 1 PAID
9:53 mins
Lessons #18: Ajax: Create a Location Finder App using jQuery & Google Maps API - Part 2 PAID
4:18 mins

What are Selectors in jQuery Part 3

In this lesson, we are going to look at another way to querying the DOM 

Getting started

I have already created the document in HTML

I'm going to import jQuery in our head tag, go to the website and click on uncompressed version 

It will lead you to another page, simply copy and paste the URL in the script tag

In this lesson, we are going to discuss the methods below to query the DOM

I'm going to test if our code is working 

$(document).ready(function( ){



Save it, refresh the screen and you see it added a class of new to the body which means our jQuery is working

But before we proceed, I want to show you something cool. Open your chrome developer tools, go to the console and if I write some code like $('body') and hit enter you see it queried the DOM and brought me the body element from the DOM. Also you notice its surrounded by the brackets [ ] which means its an array.

When we import jQuery in our project, it can also be accessed in the console. So for example if I write $('p') it's going to return the paragraph tags and same with the li tags as well $('li') and the div tags as well $('div')

If I write $('#main') it means give me all the elements which have an ID of main, if I hit enter I only get 1 div because there's only one div in our HTML document

In the image below, three divs are the children of first div 

If you want it's children you can simply write $('main').children( ) save it, refresh the screen you see the children of div are returned.

If you want the particular div as shown in a screenshot below 

you can simply write $('.header') refresh the screen and you see it returned the first div

If you want the siblings of that particular div, I can simply write $('.header').siblings( ) hit enter and you see it returned the div siblings 

So far we have looked at children and sibling methods of jQuery. We can also do that in our text editor as well.

.sibling( )
I can simply write  

$('.header').sibling().css('color', 'red');
.children( )
I can simply write
$('ul').children().css('color', 'green');
Save it, refresh the screen and you see all the siblings of the header have the color of red, and all the children of the ul tag have the color of green as shown below 

.parent( )
For the parent we can target the footer tag, and the div is the parent of that particular footer tag

I can simply write 

$('.footer').parent().css('background-color', 'blue');
Save it, refresh the screen and you see the background color is now changed to blue

.first( )
If you want the first child and its color to brown you can simply write 

$('ul').children().first().css('color', 'brown');

Save it, refresh the screen and you see the color is now changed to brown. you can also transform the text to uppercase or all lower case etc

you can also indent your code so it looks more readable like such

.css('color', 'brown');

You see the code is now more readable, also if you go to the console and write 

$('ul') you will get the ul tags and if you say you don't want the ul tag but you want its children as well so you can say $('ul').children() and it will return its children. If you only want the first children you can simple write $('ul').children().first() and it will return the fist children

.last( ) 
The last one is pretty straightforward as well

.css('text-transform', 'uppercase');
Save it, refresh the screen and you see the last one has the upper case now

.hasClass( ) 
I am just going to query the DOM and look for all the divs that we have in our document by writing $('div')

Then we are going to write div which has class of the header like such $('div').hasClass('header') save it, refresh the screen and you see it returned 'true' means it has a class of header. It's mostly a true or false statement

So if I say $('div').last( ).hasClass('header') save it, refresh the screen and you see it will return 'false' because the last div has a class of footer

.attr( )

Now I'm going to look at the final method to query the DOM for today's lesson. If you have taken the Learn HTML & CSS in 14 Days course we have discussed what attributes are. Attributes provide additional information about an element. For example: The paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag, in this example, the element has a title attribute. The value of the attribute is "iLoveCoding" for example 

<p title="iLoveCoding"> 
 This is some random text

So if I want to know attribute of the first id you can simply say $('div').first().attr('id') hit enter and it will say the attribute for the id is main

If you want to know the class of the div, you can simply write $('div').first().attr('class') save it, refresh it and hit enter you will see it returned the class of the div 

So if I only write $('div') it's going to return multiple results

If I want to find the attribute of the above results I can simply do $('div').attr('class') and hit enter, it just gives the result of the first one

I hope you enjoyed this lesson, if you have any question, please leave your comments below. I'll talk to you in the next lesson. Goodbye :)

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