Complete Skill Roadmap: What should you learn and in what sequence

In this lesson, you will see a complete roadmap on what skill, libraries, frameworks and tools you need to learn to become a job-ready Front-End and Full-Stack JavaScript developer.

FREELevel: Beginner12:22 mins
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Video Transcript

Now comes the part where you get complete clarity and a complete roadmap that you can use to become a front end developer, a full stack developer and become job-ready, interview-ready, and portfolio-ready. So you are able to work in the workplace. So here is the chart that I've created for you. So it is a chart that has the skills and it has the timeline. So you already know by now that a front end developer is somebody who creates modern user interfaces for the web. So, what are the tools. What are the skills needed by a front-end developer. A front-end developer needs first and foremost to know how HTML and CSS work. Now HTML and CSS are not programming languages, they are coding languages but they are not programming languages. The difference is that a programming language would have some logical aspect of it. So let's say determining the logical flow, telling the computer if this happens do something do that. If a different situation happens do something else. So that's the logical instructional piece that a computer needs; And HTML and CSS have nothing to do with that, they have nothing to do with the logical aspect. HTML is a language that is used to make the skeleton off the websites and CSS is instruction style of writing code which is not logic but it's just a sheet of instructions that add color and advanced layout to a web page. So it's really the look and feel is determined by HTML and CSS.

So if you're going to make simple web sites you need to know HTML and CSS and iLoveCoding has a very comprehensive free course very detailed which cheatsheets and homeworks of how to learn HTML and CSS and make professional looking websites. Now once you know that that's the important piece you can not skip that piece it's important right. That issue once he has his course is better than many college level and paid courses and bootcamp courses there are people charging a thousand dollars for certain training and this course will give you that training, and it's free. You can check it out. It's you can check it out and you'll find it for yourself.

So once you have that particular training which is going to be very fast it's not a complicated subject but it has certain certain things that you need to learn. So after you know that then you're going to get into the programming phase and JavaScript as we have determined throughout your lessons that I've given you that JavaScript is the language for the web, and now language used in other areas as well.

So what you need to do is learn Javascript fundamentals so you know how programming works. You are able to think like a developer you are you are able to solve problems breakdown problem problems into logical pieces so you can build features for the web.

In our case so you learn JavaScript and then you learn how JavaScript is used in the browser. All right. So now you're using the layouts with HTML and CSS and you're using the functional aspect of JavaScript and working with the browser to actually create a modern user interfaces. So when you put these three pieces together HTML, CSS and  JavaScript this. This combination will make you a front end developer because you're able to create these modern user interfaces. So once you know these three things you are job-ready, front-end developer of course you will have to create your portfolio items and put on your resume and you have to understand those concept concept and the nitty gritty details of Asian multi essence and JavaScript in a deep way. So you can answer those interview questions and iLoveCoding teaches you all of this. So it teaches you the details of let's say what a closure is very complicated looking bored but I make it simple so you can actually understand it and communicate it to your interview when those questions arises. So all of these concepts are covered in the JavaScript course and how the browser works and how DOM works.

Then since the world is becoming more modern and there are certain tools created in the in the world for enhancing the developer's ability to quickly create these applications there are many libraries created, so a library is a piece of software which kinda think of it like a power tool.

So that's like a hammer is a tool but let's say a drill machine is a power tool so it has certain features which can enhance the speed of a developer to do certain things. So a library is just a piece of software to speed up a developer job. So there is a very popular library out there called a React.js which is actually built on top of JavaScript HTML and CSS which actually makes it easy for developers to make modern applications. So I actually teach you in iLoveCoding these modern technologies as well so you don't just know the fundamentals which are extremely important. You can not skip the fundamentals you'll learn the fundamentals and then you learn the modern technologies which are relevant today. So you are more in-demand person in the marketplace so you can get your job quickly because these technologies are in demand today. So you're going to learn React.js and then the nitty gritty details and along the way over here it says "core training" and "practice project" so I give you the core details of the fundamentals and also I quickly translate those theories into practical projects. So you see OK. This is a complicated sounding word but it's not that complicated because explain it to you in a simple manner and then you apply that theory to you know all it's it's just oh it's it's called let's say "prototype" but it's just a simple property

That's what it is. Oh what is a method?, A method is just a function. What is a function? A function is just an instruction... of course I'm going to go I'm going to very quickly but explain these things in a simple manner throughout the course. So you know that the the theoretical bard and you know the practical part of it as well and that's the core, you can not just learn theory, you can and just when you were born your parents just do not give you instruction manual they actually showed you how things were done and that's how you learn through practice through actual application.

So when you know these these four areas HTML, CSS, JavaScript fundamentals, working with browser and working with a library like React.js which is very popular you are a job-ready front-end developer of course at the same time you will have to build your portfolio which I'm going to help you at. You're going to be practicing for your interviews and you're going to work on your resume. So you are actually able to you just don't have your skills you're able to translate that skilled and communicate your skills to an employer. So you know the skills but you have to show that you have the skills to do that through a resume a portfolio and applying for jobs and answering those questions in the interview.

The next part after you are a front end developer then you can actually build on top of that knowledge and become a full-stack developer, and what does a full-stack developer have? a full-stack developer knows what front-end does, He's a front-end developer plus knows how a backend application works. So I'll back an application can be built with Node.js. So remember I told you that JavaScript is now able to be used to make back in applications. So there is an environment of JavaScript called Node.js. So you're simply using the jobs for programming language in the Node.js environment and you are now able to make backend applications as well. So I have courses for Node.js and Express.js which is again a framework for framework/library of JavaScript that enables you to create these backend applications as well so you can control the data layer and then whereas all the data stored is stored in a database. So I show you there is a course on JavaScript how to work with MongoDB which is a name of a database. So how do you use a mongoDB to store your data in an organized manner so you know how to make a full application the user interface layer the backend data layer and also the database layer so you these are the three pieces which actually make a fully functional application.

Think about Google. There is a user interface; there is a backend layer and there is a data layer where all that information is actually stored. Any application called dot com Any any application you think about. There are always these three layers. So once you know all these three layers you are a full-stack developer and that's what you learn. I've broken it down for you.

You learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript fundamentals, working with DOM, modern libraries see your job-ready (React.js). You are going to be job-ready but is gonna be in demand so it's gonna be easy for you to get a job; Then you learn Node.js you learn Express.js for the data layer you learn MongoDB for the database then you're a full-stack developer.

Then you may say hey you know I want to make desktop applications and mobile applications as well, so remember I told you there are certain power tools that developers have created on top of JavaScript; So there is actually a library called Reactive-Native which when used which is power tool on top of JavaScript which when used will enable you to make mobile applications for Android and iOS as well. So I have a course on React Native where we actually create a cryptocurrency mobile app which you which you will enable you to learn how to use JavaScript and we need to actually launch mobile applications.

There is actually another framework out there called Electron which is a JavaScript framework so we're actually when you use JavaScript in combination with Electron you are able to make desktop applications.

So the Microsoft Editor application, the Atom Editor application, Slack desktop application, they're all built with Electron. So when I was talking about React Native, the Facebook mobile app, the Instagram mobile app, and I'm not sure about others but these mobile apps are actually built with a Reactive Native. So these are the tools which are used in the real world and they're all based on JavaScript. These these developers make these frameworks which enable you to actually build these applications and there is a course on each of this and more.

Now these are the big picture. This is the big picture roadmap and this is what you're gonna do with "core training" with "practice projects" you build your portfolio along the way you build your resume along the way you practice for your interviews along the way. So you become competent so that you are job-ready.

Now these are the big pictures but the many small topics along the way like

  • What is an API?
  • How does a domain work?
  • How do you upload your website live?
  • How do you work with authentication?
  • How do you work with collaborating your code with Git and Github?

So all these many topics are taught along the way so you don't just know the big picture but you also know these smaller topics which a developer needs to know, so you are competent and you're able to perform at your job. So that is the roadmap you need to follow. Of course you don't have to go all the way to the top. You can just go for your first start. You're gonna become a front-end developer because that's the baseline. So once you're ready and job-ready you apply for jobs you become a front end developer employed front-end developer but then you can keep on enhancing your skills and the learning never ends. You know even after five six seven eight nine ten years you're gonna be still learning and deepening your knowledge. But the foundation is there in iLoveCoding training so you are becoming job-ready and you're becoming productive, so when you have ideas to launch certain ideas in the world, web application mobile applications you can actually launch them because you have the skills. Of course it takes time but this is your roadmap.

So that's pretty much it for this video. I hope you have that clarity if you have any questions let me know and I'll talk to you in the next video.

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